Roasted Beet and Burrata Salad

I wanted to use those pretty striped beets along with the red but couldn’t find them anywhere. If you can find them, I think they would be a visually pleasing addition. The proportions here can easily be changed- the following recipe made a starter enough for 4 people.

1 bunch beets with fresh green leafy tops
2 cloves of garlic, sliced
small pinch of crushed red pepper
1 ball of burrata cheese
green onions, brushed with olive oil and grilled until charred in spots (we grilled the green onions while we were grilling the rib eyes for that evening’s meal)
extra-virgin olive oil
thick balsamic vinegar
Maldon sea salt

Preheat oven to 400ยบ; cut the washed leaves from the beets and chop into approximately 2″ pieces. Peel the beets with a paring knife and cut into wedges; toss with just enough extra-virgin olive oil to coat them and sprinkle them with kosher salt and pepper. Roast for about 45 minutes until tender. You can roast these a day or two before you plan to serve the salad.

Meanwhile, heat 1 1/2 T EVOO in a medium frying pan along with the garlic and a small pinch of crushed red pepper; add the beet leaves and sautee over high heat for about 4 minutes or until nicely wilted. Add a pinch of salt. Lay the greens down on a plate and distribute the roasted beets over the top. Cut the burrata in half and arrange the cheese and green onions. Drizzle the whole salad with good quality EVOO and then drizzle a small amount of balsamic vinegar over  as well.  I used a very thick balsamic vinegar that was more like a syrup, and I didn’t put it over the cheese because I thought it wouldn’t look nice. Sprinkle the entire salad with some Maldon sea salt and give it a few cranks of pepper.  We ate this with baguette slices- it was really delicious.


  1. New favorite food blog!!
    This looks delish. I have never peeled beets before roasting and will soon try this.

  2. You are sweet, Caroline!

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