Potatoes Anna

This is an unholy delight; I think you can never make enough of these. I use a cast iron round griddle type thing. It’s about 14″ or so in diameter (just guessing)- pretty big.

6 T unsalted butter, divided- melt 2 T first and brush griddle
4 large Idaho potatoes (around 3 lbs, give or take)
kosher salt
ground pepper

Preheat oven to 425ยบ. Brush the cast iron griddle with 2 T of the butter. Peel the potatoes and trim the ends off; cut potatoes into 1/8″ slices (using a mandoline is easiest but alas, it can be done by hand!). Arrange the slices concentrically, overlapping them slightly. Brush the whole thing with the remaining 4 T melted butter (don’t be tempted to skimp here on this part- after all, Julia Child lived well into her 90’s and consumed astonishing amounts of butter and cream– just have a glass of red wine alongside!). Sprinkle generously with salt (see previous parenthetical- same argument applies) and pepper and bake for about 1 hour, turning pan halfway through. Enjoy!

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