Easy Garden Tomato Pasta

(with a couple of teeny tiny little anchovies)… I would not describe myself as an anchovy fan, frankly they gross me out a little. But… I think they really add a depth of flavor to foods; in this pasta, you would never guess that there are a couple of little anchovies in there.  If you want to do a vegetarian version, leave out the anchovies but bump up the garlic to intensify the flavor. Not the greatest picture but the pasta was absolutely delicious (surprisingly so given the few ingredients). Adapted from Bon Appetit.

2 T butter
2 T extra-virgin olive oil
4 large garlic cloves, sliced
hearty pinch of crushed red pepper (optional yet recommended)
2 anchovies
2 lbs garden tomatoes
8 oz. spaghetti
mixed chopped herbs of your choice (I used chives and parsley)

While the spaghetti is cooking, heat the butter, EVOO, anchovies, CRP and garlic. Cook over medium high heat until the anchovies have broken down (the house will smell delicious at this point!); add the tomatoes and cook for about 10 minutes. Meanwhile drain the spaghetti, reserving 1/2 cup of the cooking liquid (just in case… mine was plenty saucy without the additional water). Add the pasta to the tomatoes and then the chopped herbs. I didn’t even put cheese on this- it was so flavorful on its own. Serve with Sauvignon Blanc.

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